Sunday, November 2, 2008

Welcome to Speak Well

For most people, speaking is a pretty basic skill. We do it all of the time...on the phone, to small groups of friends, and to coworkers. Where the problem seems to arise is if we are asked to do a prepared speech or presentation standing in front of people.

For many, the fear begins days, or even weeks before the event, and it is for those people that this blog was created. I know the feeling well, as I used to be one of you. I cannot honestly say that I am completely at ease speaking for groups now, but I can say that I have made huge strides in my comfort level.

I got started in public speaking when I was asked to do some training for a local company. I know the subject matter very well, and if you and I were talking about it, I could bore you to tears with the details. However, if you put me in front of a group of twenty or so, my brain would freeze up, and I would be the guy who read the PowerPoint presentation to the class. I knew that this was not the image I wanted to portray, so I got started doing some research. I wanted to know how to write a good speech, and even more, how to present it without passing out.

This blog is for students looking for speech topics and ideas on how to develop them into speeches. It is for the occasional business presenter who needs help with dealing with nervousness or editing a speech to fit time limits. It is for the best man who has to make a wedding toast, and doesn't know where to begin.It is for anyone who is not comfortable speaking publicly, but finds themselves in a situation that they cannot avoid.


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